Bill Allemand for HD 58

Bill Allemand for HD 58

Bill Allemand

Be sure to complete my survey (Poll) here.


My name is William James Allemand but I go by Bill.

I was born in Natrona Country Memorial Hospital in 1959 and was raised on the family ranch in northeast Natrona County. I attended Midwest grade and high school, graduating in 1977.

As the proud father of 4 grown children, I realize the importance of family. My oldest son is a farmer and hay producer. He has sold hay to Churchill Downs and the historical 6666 ranch in Texas. My oldest daughter and youngest son are lawyers (my son just graduated from Law school and has not yet taken the bar exam); my youngest daughter is a well-known photographer in her area and her husband is a cattle feeder; included in the mix are 6 wonderful grandchildren.

Then there’s me. I have a small trucking company that transports water in the Salt Creek oil field at Midwest and Edgerton.

Today holds maybe the hardest and most important decision I have ever made –

I am running for re-election to serve you in Wyoming Legislative House District 58 and ask for your support.

As a true liberty-minded Republican concerned with the turmoil in our nation and Wyoming, some of the events that have influenced my decision to run are as follows:

The Wyoming Legislature recently held a special session intended to address federal covid mandates, but instead, caved to the interests of Big Business, Big Pharma and Big Federal Government.

Many people lost their jobs due to overreaching government healthcare regulations. Wyoming’s legislature failed to protect the citizens and hard-working people of Wyoming.

The representative I ran against (Rep. Pat Sweeney) in 2022 voted in favor of more regulations and less freedoms on every bill during the special session. His votes violated the Wyoming Constitution that gives people the right to make their own health care decisions. (Wyoming Constitution, Article 1, sec.38). While serving the people of HD58, I have kept the promises I made to defend the rights of Wyoming citizens.

As a lifetime advocate of the preservation of our 2nd Amendment rights, I will continue to defend our right to bear arms, unconditionally, as I have done during my first term.

Defending life from conception to natural death is an issue that is of grave importance to me and I will continue to promote and sponsor/co-sponsor legislation that saves the lives of the unborn.

I am committed to opposing all new or increased taxation schemes and will advance the cause of limited government, and will continue to vote against tyrannical legislation and legislation that aims to take more and more of your hard earned money.

I will continue to stand strong to defend and promote Wyoming’s energy resources from federal assaults and excessive regulations, keeping our people working and our taxes low.

However, before any experimental nuclear power plant owned in part by Chinese foreign interests comes to Wyoming, many questions need to be addressed including its globalist ties to Bill Gates and others.

Liberty and freedom-minded conservatives are being attacked throughout Wyoming and our district. We must have a strong voice in the Wyoming State House of Representatives that has a true alliance with both the people and our conservative allies.

If you agree with me on these issues, please vote to re-elect me on August 20, 2024 in the Republican primary.

In addition, your prayers and support would be greatly appreciated as I move forward in my efforts to restore sound, constitutional government for Wyoming House District 58.

Please take the time to visit my website where you can learn more about my campaign and updates. Also, please complete the poll so I can be aware of your concerns for our district and our state.

You can call or text me anytime at (307) 277-0902.

Hoping to earn your trust and vote for Wyoming House District 58,

Bill Allemand

“Promises made. Promises kept.”